Using Social Media for Lead Generation
Social media can be a good source of B2B leads if you know where to find them (or help them find you). Here are a few quick tips on doing it right.
Account Profiles and Settings.
Make sure your business name is featured in your social media profiles and use the brief profile description to tell people what you do. Offer all available contact options, so people can get in touch easily via website, email, or phone.
Keep It Light.
Most people are not on social media to be sold. They are there to engage with other users and discover interesting content. Be engaging, be informative, and have fun.
Be strategic in planning your social media calendar. Pencil in posts around important trade shows and key events. Be mindful of the timing of seasonal messages that may be important to your target customers. Think ahead to determine a few “umbrella” categories that can guide your creative efforts (e.g., team spotlights, technology highlights, community involvement, and business insights all make for good content categories). Be flexible and adapt as you go in order to keep your social media activities fresh and relevant.
Online Communities.
Seek out communities where target customers are active and ask to join or follow. Many community groups will have rules against posting promotional content, so know the rules before posting. Just being an engaged member of the community is a great way to start.
Tune In.
Every social network is its own unique ecosystem. Take advantage of the nuances to tailor your content to each channel. LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram are wildly different social landscapes. Tune in to the differences.