Turning Bad Press Into a Marketing Opportunity
Sometimes a compelling marketing effort can result from opportunities outside the realm of conventional marketing. Triad recently developed an outstanding marketing campaign brought about by a negative press report concerning gas lift operations in the oil and gas industry.
The Associated Press published an article highly critical of the amount of methane that is being emitted as the result of gas lift operations in the Permian Basin. This sort of press has been very damaging for operating companies in the Permian. However, this same press coverage provided an outstanding opportunity to position Triad’s client, Liftrock Integrated Lift Solutions, as offering the solution to methane emission. So, the challenge for Triad was to clearly connect with the message of the article and establish Liftrock’s QuickSet™ gas lift control skid as a workable answer to gas lift emissions.
It was clear that the press’ attack on the industry for methane emissions was a serious threat to oil and gas companies operating in the Permian. Correspondingly, oil and gas company personnel were desperately looking for a solution to this problem.
In response to the article by The Associated Press entitled “Oil and Gas Industry Spewing Methane,” Triad developed a two-page spread ad that was published in Permian Basin Oil and Gas magazine. The headline, “Stop Spewing,” directly addressed the AP article story, establishing that the company’s QuickSet™ skid is proven to eliminate fugitive methane emissions from gas-lift operations. The ad also included a Liftrock Monthly Methane Capture Report, which demonstrated how the QuickSet also delivers additional revenue to operating companies.
Triad’s “Stop Spewing” advertising campaign created significant market awareness for the QuickSet as the answer to methane emissions resulting from gas-lift operations. In addition, it clearly established that Liftrock was closely aligned with the industry in providing the answer to a difficult market issue.